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Σάββατο 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2012


A shocking revelation was made by an Italian cardiologist, Bruno Caruso , who told the TV show «The tribe of calcium» proceeded to the opinion that the Brazilian Ronaldo suffered a heart attack just before the grand final of World Cup 1998 , where "selesao" defeated by France, the home and then 21achronos superstar known as "phenomenon" was disappointed with a sluggish appearance.

Many said the day after the final, the fact that Ronaldo received pressure from sponsors, so that was under the influence of drugs and thus never got to perform as expected.

"Ronaldo was lying down and watched TV. Suddenly raised his head, unable to control his movements, while the pulse fall, "said Caruso initially statements explaining what happened to the Brazilian superstar.

Then the statements of the Italian cardiologist claimed that the doctor then the national Brazilian Roberto Carlos (simple synonymy with the player) was diagnosed epileptic episode. A diagnosis was embraced and team physiotherapists.

The whole scene that unfolded next is shocking, since Caruso added: "Ronaldo diekomisthi the hospital with the French doctors to rely on opinion of Brazilian colleague, providing strong dose of the drugs that were not linked to heart problems. It could be put in danger his life. That's why Ronaldo disappointed in the final. "

In other words, Caruso argues that doctors of the Brazilian national team did wrong diagnosis and "played" with the life of the Brazilian striker.

However, the promotional trailer that era seems to have been quite ... prophetic about that at the end, something will go well for selesao ...

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