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Δευτέρα 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2012


On May 10 will be held in Ancient Olympia Lighting Ceremony of Olympic Flame for the Games of London, to be held this summer. The first stage of the Torch Relay will be held as always in Greece, as the Sacred Flame will "travel" for a week in our country, before being delivered to 17/5 to the representatives of the organizing committee at a special ceremony held at the Panathenaic Stadium .

The Olympic Flame will be transferred the next day (18 May) with a specially chartered aircraft on the military base Koulntroouz, Cornwall, from where you begin the second stage of the Torch Relay. At 70 days, about 8,000 torchbearer will carry the flame across the territory of Great Britain before it reached on 27 July at the London Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony of the Games. There will remain alive and will burn until the closing ceremony on August 12.

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